AlgaVenice Magazine

Flavors of Padua 2020/2021

sapori Padovani 2020 / 2021 fatti un regalo

Sapori Padovani 2020 / 2021, an event dedicated to gastronomic culture for the promotion of the agricultural production of the territory of the province of Padua and the Veneto region, will open the doors of its “zero-mile market” in November in the beautiful setting of Prato della Valle, Lobo di Santa Giustina, in Padua.

Agricola Serenissima is present at the prestigious event, which sees it involved in its Spirulina offering in both food and supplement and cosmetics.

We look forward to seeing you there to evaluate our products and touch them with your own hands, and during the event you can have a consultation with our staff for all the questions you wish to ask and doubts you wish to clarify about this incredible seaweed that since thanks to science has become available to everyone at a very low cost.

You can download our event brochure or if you would like to contact us you can write or call us.

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