AlgaVenice Magazine

Spirulina, Sports and Amino Acids

spirulina e sport

Spirulina is part of sports supplements for the simple reason that spirulina and sports go perfectly hand in hand. This is a very interesting combination, as spirulina is a real asset for athletes!

An amazing source of energy, which not only allows us to move and perform better in every daily activity-not only motor and sports activities-but also in a balanced way increases our body’s concentration and resistance to fatigue, reducing energy waste. The result is significantly brighter and more efficient physical and intellectual performance.

It is no coincidence that we speak of a “super-food” because of the nutritional profile of spirulina algae, which is far superior and even more complete than many other foods, which are usually part of our diet, such as eggs, meat, grains or vegetables.

Spirulina and sports: scientific studies

Until April 2020, articles discussing the benefits of spirulina algae for athletes were based on an assumption. This simply correlated the high nutritional values of spirulina and the high energy requirements of people who participate in sports. By inference, the conclusion was reached that spirulina in the context of sports training provides benefits.

We can now confirm this theory thanks to the scientific study carried out by the University Pernambuco, Brazil. The study examines the administration of Spirulina Plantesis over an 8-week period in a high-intensity physical training context.

This study is the first to demonstrate the use of Spirulina platensis in the context of physical training (high-intensity exercise) since it is effective in improving performance and reducing muscle damage, oxidative stress, and inflammation.

Thus, research demonstrates the full effectiveness of spirulina algae in improving performance, reducing muscle damage, oxidative stress, and inflammation.

Sports supplements

Supplements for athletes must necessarily offer all the nutrients for muscle mass growth. They must also perform other very important actions in supporting an athlete’s body.

In the sports supplements designed by AlgaVenice, in addition to Spirulina tablets, there is ‘Muscle Mass.’ It is a nutritionally complete supplement and contributes to:

  • Muscle mass growth;
  • Conversion of protein to energy;
  • removal of toxic substances that are produced by the muscle in its activity;
  • Normal transformation of protein and glycogen into energy;
  • Less fatigue during physical activity.

In fact, taking spirulina is recommended for those under stress, those who do a lot of exercise, and also in cases of nutritional deficiencies. In particular, for those who do sports, the fact that 60 to 70 percent of its composition is protein is essential to invigorate the muscles before and after training. Its complete vitamin supply, together with the presence of calcium, also exerts a good therapeutic action.

With spirulina, magnesium, iron, and folic acid go a long way toward supplementing any deficiencies in our bodies, especially when under greater physical and psychological stress. Finally, the same can be said for the intake of Omega 3 and Omega 6 that are valuable to our bodies.

More energy and a supply of vitamins

Spirulina offers multiple benefits, and one of these is its stimulating action on the immune system, which is regenerated and strengthened, along with antioxidant action against free radicals. With a benefit of sports performance as well.

In fact, taking spirulina is recommended for those under stress, those who do a lot of exercise, and also in cases of nutritional deficiencies. In particular, for those who do sports, the fact that 60 to 70 percent of its composition is protein is essential to invigorate the muscles before and after training. Its complete vitamin supply, together with the presence of calcium, also exerts a good therapeutic action.

With spirulina, magnesium, iron, and folic acid go a long way toward supplementing any deficiencies in our bodies, especially when under greater physical and psychological stress. Finally, the same can be said for the intake of Omega 3 and Omega 6 that are valuable to our bodies.

Excellent source of essential amino acids

Unlike other plant-derived foods, spirulina seaweed has all the essential amino acids in it, which are essential because our bodies are unable to manufacture them. The essential amino acids are phenylalanine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine.

Why are amino acids so important? They serve to “build” proteins, which in turn are necessary for the cell renewal process of muscles and, in general, the body.

This is why those who exercise benefit from consuming spirulina seaweed. The recommended dose is 3 grams per day, for a few months, alternating periods of rest. For athletes, tablet supplementation is certainly more convenient.

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